Ventures West Transport Limited Partnership, Tlicho Landtran Transport Ltd., 1456982 Alberta Ltd.
Date de dépôt: 02 octobre 2020
On November 29, 2019, an Initial Order was granted by the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985 c. C-36, as amended (the “CCAA”) in respect of Tlicho Landtran Transport Ltd., 1456982 Alberta Ltd., 1456998 Alberta Ltd. and Ventures West Transport Limited Partnership (collectively, the “Companies”). MNP Ltd. was appointed as Monitor (the “Monitor”) in the CCAA proceedings.
Pursuant to a Court Order granted on September 9, 2020, the Court approved the Monitor making voluntary assignments in bankruptcy for the Companies pursuant to Section 49 of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The assignments were filed with the Official Receiver on October 2, 2020.
Nomination du syndic
Rapports du syndic
- Notice to Creditors - Ventures West Transport Limited Partnership - 06 octobre 2020 file_download
- Notice to Creditors - Tlicho Landtran Transport Ltd. - 06 octobre 2020 file_download
- Notice to Creditors -1456982 Alberta Ltd. - 06 octobre 2020 file_download
- Proof of Claim Checklist - 30 septembre 2020 file_download
- Ventures West Transport Limited Partnership - Minutes of the First Meeting of Creditors - 20 octobre 2020 file_download
- Tlicho Landtran Transport Ltd. - Minutes of the First Meeting of Creditors - 20 octobre 2020 file_download
- 1456982 Alberta Ltd. - Minutes of the First Meeting of Creditors - 20 octobre 2020 file_download
- Service List re: Notice of Application of January 15 - 05 janvier 2021 file_download
- Notice of Application - 15 janvier 2021 file_download
- Order re: Consolidation - 15 janvier 2021 file_download

Vanessa Allen
Disponible à Calgary et 1 autres bureaux